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Everything You Need to Know About Gross Motor Skills

So if you’ve looked through our products, you’ve probably seen that all of our toys are beneficial for improving your kids’ physical and gross motor skills. But what exactly are these gross motor skills and why are they so important?

Gross motor skills allow kids to control those body movements that require the use of large muscles in the legs, arms and torso. Every child relies on these skills to engage in everyday physical activities, from walking, running, throwing a ball all the way to playing a game of tag with friends! The development of these gross motor skills starts as soon as a child is born and they continue to develop and improve throughout childhood. And even though kids would eventually gain these skills, it is still important to help encourage the growth of them from a young age.

It’s important because practicing these skills early can help a child gain strength and confidence in their own body. A young kid who feels more coordinated and competent in their own physical activities, like when on the playground, will inevitably feel more confident in themselves and when socializing with their peers.

Practicing gross motor skills is also important because it helps kids achieve regular physical activity and exercise, which is ultimately important for a healthy lifestyle, both now and in the future! These skills can help your child learn more complex skills in the future – for example joining a sports team when they're older! A healthy body when they’re younger means that they’re more likely to have a healthy body when they’re older!

So… how can they develop these skills to ensure they are equipped for a healthy and confident childhood?

There are some pretty simple ways to develop your kids’ gross motor skills, before they even join any sport clubs at school! Our toys are excellent for this, and is both educational and safe, all while being super fun.

The swingroller will help children develop arm, torso and leg motor skills all while being safe. All users are seated down when on the swingroller, so there is no risk of toppling over. It also takes less than two minute to learn how to play, so they’ll be getting those gross motor skills in no time. Our aquashooters also help to improve hand-eye coordination alongside their gross motor skills. The swingroller and aquashooter can be used in team play, like playing handball games or dueling games together, which also improves their team working skills.

Educational, safe AND fun, kids can easily develop these key gross motor skills when they play with our toys!